Why Submit Your Website to Web Guru Awards 

By :- Emma - Web Guru Awards Team

submit your website

Have you created a website for your business? If yes, then it's time to bring your business website to the limelight. Submit your website to Web Guru Awards and get you the chance to win the website of the day, month, or year award. Everyone can participate, regardless of the country, business type, and website design. So, whether you're a blogger or running an eCommerce site – you're welcome to submit the site to Web Guru Awards.

Why Web Guru Awards 

Web Guru Awards is a well-recognized international platform that analyses and gives awards to the world's best websites. The best-looking and best-performing website win the award of the day. Then, at the end of a month, one website gets the award of the month from the winners. And, at the end of a year, one website from monthly winners will get an award of the year. 

Not only this, but you will also get an award-winning badge and certificate too. You can hang this certificate in your office or display it on your site or on social media platforms. This will distinguish you from other competitors and increase your presence. The main aim of the Web Guru Awards is to promote the skills and creativity of people around the globe. The best part is that you will get a winning badge that helps your website in building the trust of viewers. 

What are the Winning Badges?

A Winning badge is a symbol or a small image that you can use on your website. It aims to convince the visitors about your credibility. Since everything is online, people can't just judge trustworthiness by looks. They need some kind of proof that the website is safe and the best to buy products or to follow. 

Benefits of Submitting Website to Web Guru Awards 

When you submit your website to Web Guru Awards, you can get the following benefits:

  • Recognition 

When viewers see an award-winning certificate and badge on your website, they can trust you. This will increase the faith of customers in your business. Now, more and more people will like to explore your website, which will increase your sales and revenue. 

  • Instant credibility 

Winning an award for a website gives you instant credibility with potential customers. For example, we look at reviews before we make any purchase, in the same way people look at winning badges before navigating your site. The website award can be further amplified if you shout the results to the winner of the day, winner of the month, and winner of the year badge on your social media page. 

  • Increase Brand Awareness 

Website winning badges are a great element of modern marketing. Using them on your website gives you the opportunity to increase your trust and site traffic. Moreover, you will gain a valuable opportunity to increase the presence of your website worldwide. Of course, if your website design win, you'll enjoy increased brand awareness.

Become an Award-Winning Website 

Web Guru Awards helps transform an invisible website into award-winning businesses through our daily, monthly, and yearly award program. As part of this, we offer a certificate to winners and badges that you can use to promote your business. So, submit your website now!

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