Submit Your Website for Awards: How Could It Help Your Brand

By :- Michael Britto - Web Guru Awards Team

Submit your website for awards

Awards are like an achievement for a website. When your website is chosen as superior in a category (and receives an award for it), that's something you want to showcase to the world. It denotes how out of all the websites, yours were picked as the best. 

Submitting your website for awards can help a brand by several means. Not only does it positively affect SEO, it also improves credibility. Besides that, it can help improve the brand image.

Let's learn more about it here:

Brand Exposure

When you submit your website for awards, it increases visibility of the same. It helps to gain brand exposure and ensure its great reputation in the market. That's because award-providing websites feature your website on their platform. 

Viewers see how your brand has been conferred as the best out of all. It eventually helps them to choose you as the first option if they ever need the services that you offer. You also gain new customers and better overall growth.

Certificate of Achievement

Once your website wins the award, they are given a certificate of achievement that can be displayed proudly. They are also provided a badge that could be flaunted to show supremacy in the field. 

This comes along with the benefit of brand promotion and increased competence. As these award providers recognize the talent and effort of professional web designers, you can stay assured that you are going on the right path with your website layout. 

Good web designs work as a digital influence and have a positive impact on the marketing strategy. So, it's a win-win situation.


Creativity and innovation of a website are judged on the basis of:

So, if you are nominated or declared the winner of an award, it shows your superiority in all the above criterias.

Shows Creativity and Innovation

Whenever the websites are nominated for an award, winners are chosen after voting. But that is only about 40%. In the rest, 60%, the winners are judged as per their creativity, skill, and innovation in the domain. This means voting and creativity are two criterias on which the winners are judged.

So, as a nominee or a winning website, your customers would know that you are unique and creative than the rest. It'll signify your dedication towards the customers and how you are progressing positively with time.


Whether you have won an award or got nominated for the same, submitting your website for awards shows authenticity. It denotes how you are a reliable service provider and offer genuine services to the customers. As mentioned earlier, it ensures supremacy in the field. 

This brand authenticity eventually helps to build customer trust. It encourages loyalty in customers (towards the brand), which makes them more likely to buy products from them. Note that trust is related to revenue. More trust means more revenue and, eventually, better growth.

To sum up, these were some of the ways by which submitting a website for awards can help your brand. So, what are you waiting for? Submit your website to win a reconized award.

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